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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Reggie Rockstone For President - 2012...

Over the years, the political scene has seen a lot of interesting candidates. Some have been very appealing and seemingly winnable and others not so appealing. We have had candidates’ publicly ridiculed and even called jokes.

Never in the 53 year post independence history of Ghana, have we had a prominent entertainment figure running for the highest office of the land. However, it seems all of that is about to change as Hiplife originator and rap mogul Reggie Rockstone will be contesting for presidency in the 2012 general elections.
This makes him only the second such high profiled artiste declaring presidential intentions in the last couple of weeks, the first been his bosom friend and hip hop star Wyclef Jean whose attempt to run for the president of Haiti failed.
It gets a little difficult to comprehend the sudden zeal of artistes and entertainment figures to run for that high political position. Beyond the incomprehension, I sort to find out what impact he will make, why he wants to stand and whether or not the general populace will vote for him.

It will interest you to know, that the Rap god has some solid moral and financial backing and a pretty sound and catchy motto: “We know no INFLATION, We know no GDP, All we know is that people must EAT” From the motto one thing is clear, he is definitely out to get the masses and with that kind of motto he is likely to make an impact.
Celebrity Magazine can confirm that Reggie and his cohorts have already started the search for a running mate and have approached a couple of people including Okyeame Kwame. However, the 1mic entertainment chief executive and MTN Icon is likely to turn it down as according to an aide, he has other plans which may not go down well should he accept to run.
Several music icons and influential people in the entertainment industry have pledged their unflinching support to Reggie Rockstone’s bid. Among such people is Appietus who is said to have made himself available for a position in the campaign. In an exclusive interview Reggie said, he may not win the elections but is somewhat sure to pull some decent numbers and most probably force the elections into a second round.

Here are some interesting facts and unsubstantiated statistics; Reggie Rockstone has been on the music scene for over 15 years. He started the Hiplife music genre in Ghana, which now employs hundreds of thousands. Reggie’s genre is the preferred among the youth who happen to be the majority of the population. Reggie Rockstone is known across the length and breadth of the country and has huge following in the urban areas.
In the 2008 general elections music played a vital role and if that is anything to go by then Reggie Rockstone stands a decent chance of making an impact at the polls. As per constitutional requirements, Reggie is fully qualified to stand and is likely to deny the other candidates the avenue of music as a campaign tool.

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